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Starbucks – Going Global Fast

Autor:   •  February 28, 2017  •  Case Study  •  887 Words (4 Pages)  •  708 Views

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Arellano University

Bachelor of Business Administration

Case Study

Starbucks – Going Global Fast

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Presented by:

Adalid, Jayra

Delgado, Joy

Honrade, Geraldine

Jimenez, Lilac

Llabres, Pearl Kaye


Starbucks – Going Global Fast

View Point        

  • The Retail Operations and Marketing Department

Time Context

  • The case starts year 2009
  1. Statement of the Problem
  • Starbuck’s company faces a cultural challenge.
  1. Statement of the Objective
  • To come up with a solution that provide studying the environment before establishing a branch or location.
  • To decide in choosing and applying the solutions that will be soon implemented in the Starbucks.
  • To create a strategic plan that will enable the younger customer choose to buy the products.

  1. Areas of Consideration


  • Strong brand image
  • Extensive global supply chain
  • Diversified business through subsidiaries


  • Higher price points
  • Generalized standards for most products
  • Imitable products


  • Expansion in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa
  • Diversification of product mix
  • Partnerships or alliances with other firms
  • Improvement of Technology


  • Competition from low-cost coffee sellers
  • Imitation
  • Independent coffeehouse movements

  1. Alternative Courses of Action

ACA 1: Invest on more research & development for new products or innovations that will be accepted in the global market.

ACA 2: Starbucks should improve handling their global expansion and build a maintaining relationship within their employees.

ACA 3: Starbucks should change on how they advertise the products to the younger customer or millennials. They should create a promo to attract customers especially teenagers.

  1. Analysis

ACA 1: Invest on more research & development for new products or innovations that will be accepted in the global market.


  • Better quality of product
  • Allows business to change high prices


  • Competition
  • Uncertain profit return

ACA 2: Starbucks should improve handling their global expansion and build a maintaining relationship within their employees.


  • Improved staff retention, motivation and easier recruitment
  • New markets


  • Time consuming
  • Financial risk

ACA 3: Starbucks should change on how they advertise the products to the younger customer or millennials. They should create a promo to attract customers especially teenagers.


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