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Optimum Parking Lot Design

Autor:   •  March 6, 2016  •  Case Study  •  1,645 Words (7 Pages)  •  662 Views

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                                                              Farmer’s Field

Group 4

Mathematical and Data Modelling Report


Jessica Tolliday
Sunjna Mullick
Yuri Kaz Kestenberg


The real world modeling problem given to us is about Car Parking in a farmer’s field. We were asked to find the best way to arrange parking for a given number of cars in a farmer’s field of a definite area.


Chapter 1

Variable List………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Ideal Case…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Aisle Width……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5

Echelon Parking...................................................................................................................................6

Disabled Parking..................................................................................................................................7

Aisle Layout..........................................................................................................................................8

Amount of Cars as the Size of Car Park Varies.....................................................................................9

Entrances and Exits..............................................................................................................................10

Farmers Field.......................................................................................................................................12

Real World...........................................................................................................................................14




Variable List

Variable Names

  • A – Area
  • L- Length of Car
  • d- Width of Car
  • r- Turning Circle radius
  • N- Number of Parking spaces
  • Nd – Disabled car spaces
  • Wa – Aisle width
  • Lp – Length of car park
  • Wp– Width of car park
  • Θ – Angle of the parking space
  • Na – Number of aisle
  • Nc – Number of car rows

As for inputs, arbitrary values were assigned to total area (A) of 2500 square meters, maximum car width (d) of 2.2 meters, car length (l) 5.0 meters and turning radius (r) of 8 meters, while other properties acted as variables, like angle of the parking space (Θ) and number of rows. As for expected outputs, the total number of parking spaces (N), number of disabled spaces (Nd), aisle width (Wa) and are essential to support our conclusions.


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