Deists in Colonial America Reject Any Belief of God
Autor: moto • April 5, 2011 • Essay • 2,069 Words (9 Pages) • 2,073 Views
1) False: deists in colonial America reject any belief of god.2) The British war effect during Great War of empire was organized and led by: Pitt. 3) English common law was based on: century old body of English legal rules and procedures 4) coercive act were impose on Massachusetts as result of: boson tea party
Key terms: Deist: the enlightenment influenced belief that the Christian god created the universe and then left it to run according to natural laws. Believed that god had created the world but allowed it to operate through the laws of nature Vice-admiralty courts: A tribunal presided over by a judge with no jury the sugar act of 1764 required that offenders be tried in a vice admiralty court rather than in a common law tribunal where a jury decides guilt or innocence. This provision o the act provoked protest from merchant smugglers accustomed to acquittal by sympathetic local juries. Virtual representation: The claim made by British politicians that interest of the American colonist were adequately represented in parliament by merchants who traded with the colonies and by absentee landlords (mostly sugar planters) who owned estates in the West indies Sons of Liberty: Colonist-primarily middling merchants artisans- who banded together to protest the stamp act and other imperial reforms of the 1760s. The group originated in Boston in 1765 but soon spread to al the colonies. Formed by hennery and Adams Minutemen: colonial militiamen who stood ready to mobilize on short notice during the imperial crisis of the 1770s. These volunteers formed the core of the citizens' army that met British troops at Lexington and concord in April 1775 Popular sovereignty: The republican principle that ultimate power resides in the hands of the electorate. Popular sovereignty dictates that voters directly or indirectly (through their elected representatives) ratify the constitutions of their state and national governments and amendment to those fundamental laws. During the 1850s the us congress applied the principles to western lands by enacting legislation that gave residents there authority to determine the status of slaver in their territories. War of attrition: A military strategy of small scale attacks used usually by the weaker side to sap the resources and morale of the stronger side examples include the attacks carried out by patriot militias in the south during the war of independence and the guerrilla tactics of the Vietcong and North Vietnamese during the Vietnam war. Freeholders Men claimed power in the state and authority in the family; women were subordinate. Women in the colonies were raised to be dutiful "helpmates" to their husbands. Men who migrated to the colonies escaped many traditional constraints, including lack of land. Parents with small farms who could not provide their sons and daughters with land placed them as indentured servants. When indentures ended, some property less sons climbed from laborer to tenant