Fin 301 Formula Sheet
Autor: jjj47 • April 20, 2016 • Course Note • 261 Words (2 Pages) • 890 Views
Rd = cost of new debt before tax
T = tax rate
Rd(1-T) = cost of new debt after tax
Rps = cost of preferred stock (after tax) = Dps/(Pp-f)
Rs = cost of common stock
Re = cost of new common stock
Wd weight of debt = Total Debt/Total Capital
Wps = weaight of P,S = Total P.S./ Total Capital
Ws = weight of equity = Total Equity/ Total Capital
Wi = weight of component i
Ri = after tax cost of I
Cost of Debt Before Taxes
Nd = I {1-[1/)1+d)^n]}/ rd + Pn/ (1+rd)^n
Pn = maturity Value
F = flotation
Nd = P-F where p is Selling price
Cost of Preferred Stock
Rps = Dps/ (Pp – F)
Pp= selling price of preferred
Dps = preferred Dividend
Common Equity
RE + New Common Stock
Cost of Equity (Ks)
Rs = (D1/P) + G
=[D0(1+G) / P] +G
New Common Stock
Re = [D1/ (P0-F)] +G
Or [D0 (1+g)/ {P0-F}] +G
Discounted CF Model (DCF)
=sum Dt/[(1+re)^t]
= [D0(1+g1)^n(1+g2) / (re-g2)][1/(1+re)^n]
Ra = Wd*Rd(1-T) + Wp*Rps + Ws*Rs + We*Re
Cost of Capital
Nd = sum [1/(1+rd)^t] + Pn/1+rd)^n
Pn = maturity value/par value
If Nd Less than Pn