Interviewer's Perceptions
Autor: mickey711 • May 5, 2013 • Essay • 304 Words (2 Pages) • 1,126 Views
This essay seeks to examine the factors influencing the interviewer's perceptions of the three applicants and the ways in which it influenced his hiring decision. The argument is that the perceived similarities between his and an applicant's background and experiences, among other factors, distorted his judgment favorably towards her . And because he was focused on these similarities, he overlooked the sigificance of the other candidates' attributes. Firstly, this essay will explain the concept of perception and the particular biases that played a role in the situation, the similarity effect and selective perception. Then their effects in the situation described in the case study will be explained.
A hoarder, who withdraws gold from circulation, increases the value of gold, lowering prices. The unmonied populace has no choice but to transact business at these lowered prices. The hoarder then spends a portion of his overvalued hoard to corner some market, somewhat lowering the value of his gold hoard somewhat but raising the prices in the market he has cornered, ultimately gaining back more gold than he spent.
The larger the hoards relative to the gold supply, the more powerful the hoarders, the more easily they bring more gold into their hoards. With the power to manipulate the value of gold, all gold spent by the hoarders must flow back to the hoarders, as must, ultimately, all capital.
The only remedy (within the bounds of this monetary system) is to take gold from the hoarders by force of law (good luck if they move their hoard out of your country) or force of arms (the cause of many wars).
The dominant economies of the world developed under an inflationary regime for a reason: fractional reserve banking and fiat money have their problems, but they are not half so severe in the long term as the problems with a fixed-non-consumable-money-supply economy.