Our Plantation Is Very Weak”: The Experience of an Indentured Servant in Virginia 1623
Autor: Sofie Andres • March 17, 2016 • Essay • 822 Words (4 Pages) • 1,239 Views
Soon after the American Revolution, people began to notice that there needed to be some changes to their new free lifestyle, in result they changed the the social, political, and economical aspects. They then started to shape a baseline of a new government that of being opposite to Great Britain's. In the process of recreating their new government people didn’t know their place in the new society. They had to be established as well they had to start from nothing to get us to where we are today.
After being under the British rule for such a great amount of time, Americans went back to women not having enough power, and unity in society. When the Declaration of Independance was created it stated all men were created equally, but under after British rule that was not the case it was far from. Women were not the only ones being degraded for what they were, anyone that was not a white male was degraded as well. In the document J Molly Wallace states “when my sex, and inexperience all conspires to make me tremble at the task which I have undertaken” showing how women were not taken seriously, and had one job which was to take care of their families (Document J). Many women would fight alongside men in war, and then was unrecognized for their deeds. In the document A it shows a strong women with a gun on her side representing women's role in the war; playing their part (Document A). Men were away at war for a great deal of time, which gave women more power in their society; they took on roles on men were allowed to do in this time, but as soon as they came back men instantly took the upper hand once again, and left women with little to no power. It took a huge tool on many women in this society, and became a great social factor following the American war.
The political aspects also changed once the American Revolutionary war was over. The first thing this new born society did was create the Articles of Confederation, which was the beginning of their first government, but it was a very weak form of one. The Articles of Confederation was later found to be inefficient, because it was not allowed tax, and gave states the power to control their own government. They believed they were apart of “the league of friendship” , which means they must not wage war, and live peacefully. James Madison goes into many aspects of what might happen if they continue with