Successes and Failures of Reconstruction
Autor: ppopopoa • March 27, 2015 • Essay • 423 Words (2 Pages) • 1,430 Views
Successes and Failures of Reconstruction
The reconstruction had its moments with success and also its failures. The south had so many things that went wrong after the civil war. The money was basically worthless, there wasn’t anyone that took charge or authority, getting around either on bus, feet, or bike was a complete disaster. The cost of food was still at its normal price so a lot of those poor people died of starvation. Food was hard to get transported from place to place with the railroads being destroyed. The Reconstruction was completely needed, so that all this non-sense could be fixed.
The Reconstruction was a major success, for the fact that it actually helped the U.S become America again, or at least gave the people living in it the sense that it was America again. All the southern states got new constitutions, including the thirteenth amendment being ratified in the process of things. The failures to me about the Reconstruction system was the crop lien system, which honestly never did work out the way that they really wanted it to. Besides that the Reconstruction never even really fixed the south, the pieces to the puzzle still didn’t fit. Segregation was still in place, and if it really did work then it would have done a lot more to civil rights for African Americans. The south and the north really didn’t communicate like they should have been doing. Slaves that actually got released went to a society where they weren’t even accepted at. And once no one had slaves, they didn’t really know what to do, especially with the war just being over. The reconstruction didn’t really change the way people treated each other, race wise. Overall it gave those the oppression that the Reconstruction was a failure.
With all that being said, The Reconstruction was a success. African Americans are now treated the same as white people, The U.S political, economic, and social systems are back to normal. The war was took a toll on us with debt wise, but other than that things are better than ever I would say. I honestly would have tried or probably would have done things the exact way. Nothing really needed to change that much, the key element was time, everybody always expects change immediately, when it takes a progression for things to work.