Current Health Tend
Autor: ad176 • February 20, 2012 • Essay • 978 Words (4 Pages) • 1,489 Views
The video was very informative in terms of summarizing the data and numbers in real world scenario to inform about the trend of health and wealth changes that have taken from the past decade to the world we are as of now. Hans Rosling, who did the fabulous work of combining the statistics from the past, has helped us to know the different reasons why these changes took place over time.
The video starts off with determining the wealth and health condition of the population 200 years ago in 1810. The video reflects that almost all the countries back then were categorized as very poor and life expectancy was below 40. Well, this makes a lot of sense to us as we know the health facilities and the work condition was very poor at that time with the lack of infrastructures. Gradually, with the advancement in industrial revolution, especially European nations made a lot of progress in terms of the infrastructures thus leaving Asian and African countries behind. This resulted in the improvement of the condition in western countries as they grew more wealthy and healthy. The major turnaround was the World War I, which slowed down the rapid industrial revolution around the world and lead to a great depression. The condition of the world was damaged politically, socially, and economically. The Industrial output was at a haul with an estimation of more than 45,000 million damage in properties. Political systems witnessed a big earthquake as the Russian and Germany monarchy was overthrown by communism. The social damage was more by 10 million men dead and millions wounded and dead (Wilde). Despite of the great depression, western countries moved along and kept them stable with the result in more wealth and health conditions. Following this era, the World witnessed World War II, which had a more devastating effect with more damage in economic and social aspect. The year 1948 marked an important year for the development of the well being of the country following the World War II, but as the improvements increased, the wealth and health gap too increased between the nations in the world. United States, Japan, Brazil, China, India had seen a major improvements after 1948. These countries stared to get healthier and the industrial revolution marked an important era with different treaties and globalization. However, other countries struggled in this time towards the roadway of improvement which included most of the Asian and the African countries. Countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America started to catch up with the improvements and became emerging nations towards a better economic and socially stable. (Nusca, 2010)
The world today is completely different from 1800. But, the economic disparity is very high between the top 10 economies and bottom economies of the world. With the advancement in technologies, nations now are advancing rapidly towards a more and more advanced era of science, technology, life style, health conditions, and many aspects.