Preference Company: Rabobank
Autor: ElvinJusic • September 27, 2015 • Creative Writing • 480 Words (2 Pages) • 1,100 Views
Appendix A. Subscription form Business case 2015-2016
Name student: Elvin Jusic
Specialization year 4: Strategic management
Language(s): Spanish and French
Study exchange year 3: yes
If yes, where: Merida, Mexico
Country and place of third year internship: Nice, France
Name of company: International House Nice
Branche of company: Education
Current place of residence: Maastricht
Owns a car: yes/no
Owns a laptop: yes/no
Prefers to work with student(s): Humaira Nezami
1st preference company: Rabobank
I would very happy to be assigned to the Rabobank for the business case for the following reasons:
First of all, I would like to broaden my knowledge in management via the banking sector because this sector has always been interesting to me.
Furthermore, I have always been a client of Rabobank, their high level of professionalism and communication skills has often pulled me towards them in various ways.
Somehow, strange as it may sound, I feel that I have an emotional connection with this company. Please don’t get me wrong there.
In my CV you can see, that during my gap year I already have worked indirectly for the Rabobank via outsourcing. I was responsible for their customer service regarding online banking. I loved my time working for them, everything was outlined perfectly and the ambiance was great. I really felt that I was working for a company that matches my desired future career goals, this felt pretty good.
Surprisingly, I have been offered a promotion to work for the Rabo Financial Logistic Portal at head quarters of Rabobank in Utrecht! Unfortunately, I could not take this job since I was planning to travel abroad and start my studies in Maastricht in the upcoming year.
Next to that, I have searched for an internship at Rabobank International during my studies. Unlucky enough, their program did not match Zuyd’s.
To conclude, this business case gives me a new opportunity to get in touch with the Rabobank once again. I would be very motivated to execute the needed research for a company that I cherish this much. Therefor I am asking, please consider me when assigning students to this case.
Thank you.