Study Question Psych
Autor: mkm042 • December 7, 2016 • Coursework • 400 Words (2 Pages) • 1,145 Views
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Philosophy of Science
Study Questions for Final Exam
- Explain the difference between an empirical and rationalist approach to science according to Hempel.
- Explain why according to Hempel Rationalist truths cannot be self-evident
- What are the main characteristics of science that were developed during the 16th-17th centuries?
- What is Deductive Inference? What is an Inductive inference?
- What is the problem of induction?
- What is falsiablity?
- How does it solve the problem of induction?
- How does it demarcate the difference between science and pseudoscience?
- Why is it difficult to falsify a general hypothesis?
- What is the Hypothethico-Deductive method?
- What are the limitations of this method?
- When applying the H-D method we need to be very careful of…
- What do we use Bayes-Theorem for?
- Explain the Prior Probability in Bayes Theorem
- Exaplain the Posterior Probability in Bayes Theorem
- What is Incommensurability according to Kuhn?
- According to Kuhn normal science is not necessarily the best empirical science because…
- What is the covering-law model?
- Which are the Boundary or Initial Conditions?
- What is the explanans?
- What is the explanandum?
- What are the conditions of the covering-law model?
- Why do scientific explanations benefit from containing one or more laws (using the Covering-Law model)?
- What is a scientific theory?
- What are the two kinds of language included in a scientific theory?
- Who is a Realist?
- Who is an Instrumentalist?
- Explain what is the traditional causal explanation and what are some of the limitations of this theory.
- Explain how Woodward’s theory of causation solves these limitations..
- According to Kuhn during a normal science period what are the four elements of science are determined by the established theory or paradigm.
- What is a Paradigm?
- What is a Crisis or Revolution?
- What is an Anomaly?
- The feminist critique tells us that the social background of the scientist influences among others…
- Explain why the feminist critique argues that the lack of diversity in science is undesirable.
- Explain why social forces like politics or the private market can influence the questions of science.
- Galileo and Ruse believe that religion and science do not clash because of these two fundamental differences
- Creationists argue that neither evolution nor creationism are theories. Explain why this approach is derived form Popper’s theories.
- This kind of interpretation of Popper is problematic to understand theories and models, explain why.