This Will Be the Last Time You Hear from Me - Personal Letter from Girl
Autor: chamtink • January 31, 2012 • Essay • 451 Words (2 Pages) • 1,676 Views
To my mom:
Mommy I love you so much!!!! Im sorry that it had to be this way but I just couldn’t do it anymore. I love you more than anything and you were always the best to me. I love you so much and this was never your fault. Life moves on mom. It was just my time to go.i love you so much mom<3 sometimes I just wished that you and daddy would except me for who I am or who I was. I am bi sexual I like girls. Mom in my life I have been raped sexually 3 different times. I have been called a slut, a whore, a worthless piece of shit. And im just tired of it. Mom I am schizophrenic and I have been for a long time. The girl that lives inside my head. Her name is jules. She is 17 years old and she had lived back in the 1800’s. she says she is sorry that she had to take me from you but it was my time to go. I love you so much mom and you will always be with me as I will always be with you.
Dear Christina:
You are my lil sister. I love and care about you so much. You are a beautiful young lady. Maybe even more beautiful than myself. Im sorry for all the times we fought I never ment to hurt you and call you those dreadful names. One day you will make some one so happy. Chrissy never be ashamed of who you are because who you are is special. You are unique and amazing don’t ever ever !!!! let anyone tell you different. I know that through the years we never seamed to like eachother as much and we did fight a lot but through it all I love you and I love you still. I will always be there watching out for you <3 next year you will be in highschool. I hope that it will be the best years of your life. I want to see you from above. I want to see you graduate with honor role. <3 I love you so much Christina
Forever your older sister chambray jelena bowen
Dear Amanda:
You are my older sister