Business and Society Themes on the Business Enterprise by Agents of Social Change
Autor: antoni • February 11, 2012 • Essay • 508 Words (3 Pages) • 2,159 Views
Business and Society Themes on the business enterprise by agents of social
change? Research in this area involves
The first theme, organizing principles, exam- description of social problems, and of the corines
the basis for claims that corporations porate activities that give rise to or contribute
should act on social and ethical issues. In a to the exacerbation of these problems. This
sense, authors addressing this theme are stream of research tends to be descriptive and
answering the 'why' question of business and issue specific. Unlike the literature in the prinsociety
relations - Why should firms be good ciples category it tends to focus on the specific
corporate citizens? Within this broad theme are impacts of the harm and the mechanisms by
three major streams of scholarship: business which it occurs, rather than making a philoethics,
corporate social responsibility (CSR), sophical or strategic case for why companies
and ideology/values/attitudes. Each of these should respond to the issue. Unlike the literastreams
claims kinship to different disciplines: ture in the processes category, it tends to
business ethics is based in philosophy, ideology/ describe practices of companies that are
values/attitudes is based in psychology and framed in issue specific terms rather than in
sociology, and CSR is based in sociology and relational or functional terms. In addition,
management. The three streams are inter- when corporate practices are described, the
related. Individuals have values, attitudes and focus is on how they increase or lessen the
ideologies that influence, and are the product harm done, rather than on their intended
of, the issues they pay attention to and the effects, in terms of the development of the
decisions they make. These beliefs shape, and issue or the company's relationships with the