Catcher in the Rye: Questions with Answers
Autor: peter • September 29, 2011 • Essay • 4,622 Words (19 Pages) • 7,984 Views
Xander Graham
20th cent U.S. Lit.
May 12, 2011
Literary Road Map: Catcher in the Rye Ch 5 - 13
Ch 5
1. Who is Allie, and why is his baseball mitt so special to Holden? Allie is Holden's little brother who died at eleven years old, of leukemia. Allie's baseball mitt is special to Holden because Allie loved to play baseball and he loved poems and had written poems all over his mitt so when he was bored playing baseball he could read it.
2. Why did Holden's parents want to have him psychoanalyzed? Holden's parents wanted to have him psychoanalyzed because he had spent the night in the garage and broke all the windows with his bare hands. He also had tried to break the car windows but was unable to because his had already be dislocated.
Ch 6
1. What does Stradlater criticize Holden for? Stradlater criticizes Holden for "always" doing things backwards and not doing anything the way he is suppose to, meaning school work.
2. What does Holden so concerned about what happened with Jane Gallagher and Stradlater? What does this this possibly reveal about Holden? Holden was extremely concerned about Stradlater date with Jane Gallagher because he use to live next door to Jane and they were good friends and enjoyed playing checkers "all the time". They way Holden kept asking Stradlater about Jane reveals that Holden really cares a lot about Jane and probably loves her and doesn't realize it.
3. What do Holden and Stradlater fight over? Holden and Stadlater fight over? Holden and Stradlater get into a fight because Holden keeps asking Stradlater whether or not Jane had sex with him and Stradlater wouldn't say one way or the other.
4. What does Holden put on after the fight? Have we seen him put this on before? Holden put his red hunting hat on after the fight with Stradlater. Holden b rough the red hunting hat the day the fencing team went to New York, after he noticed he lost their foils and wore it, then he wore it again when he was re-reading certain parts over again from the book, Out of Africa, as well as after the fight with Stradlater as stated above.
Ch 7
1. Holden decides to go visit Ackley. How is he received by Ackley? Ackley seemed to be a little annoyed when Holden went in his room to visit with him, until Holden turned on the light and he seem all the blood. Then Ackley wanted to know why they were fighting.
2. What is he thinking about while lying in bed? Holden kept thinking of Jane and Stradlater's date whether or not Jane fell for Standpatter's "technique" like the girl Stradlater had on a their