China and Japan
Autor: Sade gary • March 22, 2017 • Research Paper • 848 Words (4 Pages) • 859 Views
BIO 163 Lecture Test 2 Review
Chapter 6-Skeletal System
Functions of the skeletal system- support, storage, blood cell production, protection, movement
Bone classifications according to shape- long, short, flat, irregular (know examples)
Macroscopic long Bone structure-diaphysis, epiphysis, marrow, articular cartilage, compact bone, spongey bone, periosteum, endosteum
Where is spongey bone-why do we have spongey bone?
Where is compact bone? Why do we have compact bone?
Microscopic bone structure-osteon, osteocyte, lacunae, lamellae, central canal, perforating canal, trabeculae, canaliculi
What types of salts are found in bone? These accumulate on protein fibers (collagen) in the matrix.
Bone cells- the most common bone cell is an osteocyte. Where is it found? What does it do? What is an osteoclast? Where is it found? What is an osteoblast? Where is it found? What is ossication? What is osteolysis?
What are the two types of fetal bone development? What is the difference between the two? Which bones are developed from each method?
How do bones grow lengthwise? Widthwise? Why does bone growth lengthwise stop? What things are required for normal bone growth?
What is bone remodeling? Why is it important to give your bones stress?
What is osteopenia? Osteoporosis? Which sex is most affected by osteoporosis?
The skeleton is divided into which two divisions? Axial and appendicular
What is the axial skeleton composed of? The appendicular?
Bones of the skull and their markings (8 in the cranium, 14 in the face, 7 skull associated bones):
Frontal-supraorbital foramen, frontal sinuses, coronal suture
Parietal-sagittal suture
Occipital-lambdoid suture, foramen magnum, occipital condyles
Temporal-squamous suture, external acoustic meatus, mandibular fossa, mastoid process, styloid process, zygomatic process
Sphenoid-sphenoidal sinuses, sella turcica (Turk’s saddle)
Ethmoid-ethmiodal sinuses, crista galli (Cock’s comb), cribiform plate, perpendicular plate, superior and middle nasal conchae
Maxillae-maxillary sinuses
Zygomatic-temporal process (know what the zygomatic arch is)
Inferior nasal conchae
Mandible-ramus, condylar process
Associated bones-hyoid bone, 6 auditory ossicles
Nasal complex-bones around the nasal cavity and all of the sinuses
How are infants’ skulls different from adults?
Vertebral column-7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, sacrum, coccyx
Primary vs. secondary curves-where are they, what is the difference between them? What is scoliosis?
Vertebral anatomy-vertebral body, vertebral arch, pedicle, lamina, transverse process, spinous process, superior and inferior articular processes, vertebral foramen, intervertebral foramen, intervertebral discs
Cervical-transverse foramen, notched spinous process, atlas, axis, dens (side view mouse)