Explain one Reason for the Increasing Rate of Technological Innovation in the World Since 1750
Autor: patelp • November 24, 2013 • Essay • 318 Words (2 Pages) • 1,738 Views
1. Explain one reason for the increasing rate of technological innovation in the world since 1750. Why was this important?
The steam engine propelled the transportation issues further than any other invention of the century. It allowed steam to be used for propelling the ships therefore allowing more leverage in traveling and exploring the wilderness. It allowed people to gather more resources and started a whole new industry greatly increasing the economy for years to come.
2. In your opinion, which of these three technological advancements was most important? Why do you feel that way?
• Invention of the plow
• Development of the railroad system and rail technology
• Invention of the computer
o The invention of the rail road system and rail technology had the single biggest impact on mankind, it converted the whole global economy into a industrialized state. The British used the rail to expand territories and resources. The rail allowed for transportation of goods and people much more quickly than the conventional horseback methods. More freight also could be transported greater distance over less time. It also expanded the western united states. The steam engine also had a major stake in the expansion of rail road technology.
3. Name one great innovator from history that you admire. What were his/her major contributions to society? Why do you admire him/her?
The one inventor in history that I admire the most is the wright brothers. Their major contributions to society was the modern airplane. I admire them because without them the world would be a much larger place and lot less traveled. It would take months just to cross one ocean. Risking your life