Female Images in Hemingway's Works
Autor: qiqi2104 • July 5, 2013 • Research Paper • 2,539 Words (11 Pages) • 1,488 Views
Female Images in Hemingway's Works
Our team is focused on the female images in Hemingway’s works.Firstly, we talked about the causes of the female images in his creations.Then we specificly expound the four typical images in his works.
2.Causes of the Female Images
2.1 Social Environment
Hemingway lived in a time when western patriarchal culture was gradually falling into decay, the female consciousness was already waking up, and the feminist movement was about to rising. At the beginning of the 20th century, especially after the First World War, the female launched a battle about the women’s social status, economic independent and political right with the patriarchal society. In the 30s of the 20th century, the western world had the first women's liberation movement. After a long time's battle, the female in British and American had won the right of vote and American's labor market had been opened to women after the world war, so they had won all kinds of working opportunities.
2.2 Family Background
2.21 His parents
Hemingway’s father was a proud man who was determined to make Hemingway a brave hero. His father taught him early with courage and endurance.The result was that Hemingway almost inherited his father’s natural disposition in character and temper. .” Hemingway was his father’s favorite son, and his father taught him how to fish, hunt, set up the camp, and cook over the fire outside home and so on. Anyhow, his father was the man whom he really cared although he thought his father was the one to give in to his wife’s wishes and destroyed by her.
His mother Grace Hemingway was a typical new woman with feminist thoughts, and she pursued her own artistic and occupational interest in music and painting with the encouragement of Hemingway’s father.When Hemingway was a little baby. But his mother liked to dress him as a girl who looked just like Twins with his sister. Just like other men in his time, he was reared in an environment of loosening gender distinctions.Grace even gave some advice to Hemingway on his writing, but it only made the hostility deeper and deeper which was not realized by her. She felt that a mother’s duty included honest criticism of her child. But Hemingway was not interested in her literary opinions. What he wanted and expected from her was unqualified loyalty and approval.” Hemingway believed that it was his mother Grace who drove his father to death, so he hated Grace badly.
2.22 His marriage
Hemingway’s first wife Hadley Richardson, was a tender wife who had supported Hemingway with her patrimony in his early writing time, As a wife and