Autor: ceobroc • June 15, 2015 • Research Paper • 1,216 Words (5 Pages) • 699 Views
When it comes to organized crime, many theories have been developed to help to understand and fight different aspects and criminal groups found throughout the United States. The best theory for organized crime is the alien conspiracy.
Organized crime is dependent upon corruption and public demand. This method covers a significant portion of the organized crime that is seen today, and the different elements that the Alien Conspiracy Theory looks at prove both the costs and benefits of organized crime. Understanding these costs and benefits allows officials to be able to fight crime where needed, and maintain the organized crime that proves to be beneficial to the government and economy. By looking at the alien side of organized crime, and by seeing the different crimes that different regions or countries are expanding into the United States, we can also get to know the enemies and allies of the United States. For example, by looking into the terrorist rings, the identity of the countries or groups that pose a threat, and learn how they work and possibly what their next move will be. A terrorist group that is of some concern is the group known as ISIS (President's Cmssn on Law Enforcement and Admin of Justice United States of America, 1967).
An example of the Alien Conspiracy Theory is the members of the Sicilian Mafia, who transplanted their criminal culture when they migrated to the United States. This theory has been supported by methods used by the Russian Mafia as they established operations in the United States after the breakup of the former Soviet Union (Bleifuss, 2007). There is also evidence that many organized crime groups organized themselves around ethnic backgrounds.
Moral panics are characterized by the feeling by posed threats to society. The risks are identified groups that must be controlled. When a moral panic occurs, battle lines are drawn, deviants are identified, and normative beliefs are created. Moral panics often occur during periods of high social change. The theory of moral panic is grounded in the social constructionist perspective, which regards deviance as a process of definition. The process of constructing and applying its definitions can be understood as a moral enterprise, which involves the construction of moral meanings and their association with particular acts or conditions. Even though Blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups commit crimes, this does not explain why a society reacts to a social problem in the way that it does (Lombardo, 2004).
Lombardo, 2004, emphasized that the societal response to a series of crimes attributed to the ‘Black Hand’ occurring in Chicago, and other American cities, during the early part of the twentieth century constituted a moral panic; and that the crimes committed were incorrectly defined as the work of the Mafia.
The Alien Conspiracy Theory also suggests that individuals are coming to the United States, so the