Gastritis Case
Autor: Trinizbadgyal • October 21, 2014 • Essay • 307 Words (2 Pages) • 922 Views
According to WebMD, gastritis is an inflammation, irritation or erosion of the lining of the stomach. This can happen either suddenly or gradually. There are many reasons why someone could develop this disease. A few include drinking excessive alcohol, chronic vomiting, stress, or the use of certain medications that include aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs.
To prevent this disease a person would have to surely cut down on any drinking especially if they like to go out consistently. It may be hard at first but health comes before anything. If there are any medications that could be affecting this person for a different medical problem, I would recommend changing medications. To be stress free is very hard so I would have that person be more involved in activities that might change a person and make them more relaxed. I would also have them write down things that could be stressing them out and make a plan that could help them to overcome this issues whether it be family, work or money related. I personally do not like taking any medicines, I like home remedies, so if there is anything that could help to ease the symptoms then I would try it.
A lifestyle change has always been better for me. I have always have hated taking any medications so that is why I recommend home remedies. For instance, cough medicine, it always make the symptoms worse so I like honey with fresh ginger and honey. Also many of the ingredients we use for home remedies are very beneficial for the body. I would rather have natural ingredients then take medicines and have my body dependent on them because it will never stop. I also do not like taking medicines because I am a very forgetful person so I do not think that would be a good option for me!