Heat Treatment
Autor: Afiqah Anuar • August 24, 2016 • Research Paper • 341 Words (2 Pages) • 822 Views
Assignment 1
DBT 302 Heat Treatment
*submit 15th Sept 2014
- Give examples of materials based on inorganic glasses that are made by solidification.
- What do the terms “primary” and “Secondary processing” mean?
- Why are ceramic materials not prepared by melting and casting?
- Define the following terms;
- Nucleation embryo
- Heterogeneous nucleation
- Homogeneous nucleation
- Does water freeze at 0°C and boil at 100°C? Explain.
- Does ice melt at 0°C? Explain.
7- Figure below shows the development of microstructure in eutectic alloys for Pb-Sn system. By referring to 2–19wt%Sn alloys composition, describe the formation process which occurred from point A, B until point C.
[pic 1][pic 2][pic 3][pic 4]
Microstructure development in eutectic alloys for Pb-Sn system.
- Define the following terms:
- Component
- Phase
- Solubility limit
9- Figure below shows the phase diagram of Pb-Sn system
i) Draw the microstructure of hypoeutectic alloy if cooled from
(L → α + β) at point (a), (b), (c) and (d).
[pic 5]
- List down FOUR (4) classes of alloys in the Pb-Sn phase diagram system.
- Describe about α phase and β phase in term of amount and composition at temperature 183°C along the eutectic isotherm.
10- In Figure below, at the point of 10wt%Pb at temperature 195oC:
- Identify the phases appear.
- Define the hypoeutectic and hypereutectic alloys.
- Calculate the composition of phases Cβ and CL.
- Calculate the amount of phases Wβ and WL.
[pic 6]
11- Figure below shows the phase diagram of Pb-Sn system
i) Draw the microstructure at A, B and C
[pic 7]