John Procter Case - Salem Witch Trials
Autor: jgonz • February 20, 2014 • Case Study • 802 Words (4 Pages) • 1,413 Views
The Salem witch trials where a brutal and dark time In American history. The trials took place in Salem Massachusetts between 1692 and 1963 by the end of the trials more than two hundred people were accused and twenty were later executed. The crucible by Arthur Miller is a play adaptation of the historical events that transpired in Salem. John Proctor is a character in The Crucible that is well respected and fit in society well but during the trials he image and reputation is changed and in effect he becomes alienated. John Proctor is Alienated from the Puritan society because of his pride, his practices and, views.
Proctor is a very proud man, this is one the things that got him to in trouble with the court and made him an outcast amongst the town's people. Proctor is not someone that who would give up others to save himself by giving up others. Proctor says this when being questioned "beguile me not! I blacken all of them when this is nailed to the church the very day they hang for silence!"(Miller 131). This is a quote that takes place when Proctor is being convinced into confessing. He resist and almost gives up others but finally decides to keep his honor and not give in and dies silent. This in turn makes his a tragic hero. If Proctor did give up, he knew that the trials would not stop and continue to kill more people. If Proctor gave up he would live but he would ruin his name and his reputation in town. Another scene in the play that clearly shows proctors pride so when goes against everyone in court "PROCTOR, sensing her weakening: Mary, God damns all liars! DANFORTH, pounding it into her: You have seen the Devil, you have made compact with Lucifer, have you not. "PROCTOR: God damns liars, Mary! Mary utters something unintelligible, staring at Abigail, who keeps watching the "bird" above. DANFORTH: I cannot hear you. What do you say? Mary utters again unintelligibly. You will confess yourself or you will hang! He turns her roughly to face him. Do you know who I am? I say you will hang if you do not open with me!" (Miller). Proctor shows his pride and also bravery by not backing down and trying to go against Abigail's claims. At this point in The Crucible