Autor: Kaylie Rymond Miller • January 24, 2017 • Essay • 1,728 Words (7 Pages) • 1,173 Views
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Managing Across Cultures 1/12/17
- National cultures don’t really exist because there are differences across countries
- Why the BRIC+?
- Lots of turmoil in the BRIC countries but lots of opportunities
- All have huge and similar problems for international business
- Wealth inequality in SA is highest of all countries we will look at
- Importance of understanding global business today
- Far more complex and nuanced than the politicians acknowledge
- Multiple perspectives on global business/trade
- Firms, competitors, investors
- Consumers
- Workers
- National interests—geo political, economic, security
- Introduction to National Culture
- What is a culture? A naïve perspective
- How would you characterize your home culture
- There are observable aspects, and non-observable aspects
- Want to dig below observables to really understand
- Culture-a multi level construct
- Observable
- Social institutions, behavior patterns, rules, stories, myths, lang, rituals, ceremonies
- Unobservable
- Values, norms, beliefs, assumptions
- Culture is the pattern or configuration of these two levels—holistic construct
- Although it can be broken down into dimensions or attributes, it is most meaningful as a whole
- What is culture?
- Shared common understanding of your environment
- Holistic vs. particularistic view
- Learned—derived from:
- History
- Institutions
- People
- Multi faceted/multi level
- Visible in artifacts
- Reflected in values, attitudes, and behaviors
- Contradictions
- All cultures are filled with contradictions
- Frameworks
- Hofstede
- 4, 5, 6, 7 dimensions
- Earliest and probably most flawed
- Individuality vs collectivism
- Relation of individual to group
- Masculinity and femininity
- Consequence of being male and female
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Dealing with the unknown
- Power distance
- Time orientation
- Short vs long term
- Indulgence vs restraint
- Immediate vs deferred gratification
- Pragmatic vs normative
- Desire to explain as much as possible, truth, personal stability, social conventions, traditions, small propensity to save and focus on achieving quick results vs situational
- Globe
- 9 dimensions
- Performance orientation
- Future orientation
- Gender egalitarianism
- Assertiveness
- Power distance
- Individualism-collectivism
- Societal (in group)
- Organizational
- Humane orientation
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Tompenaars
- 7 dimensions
- Hall
- 3 dimensions
- All theories/frameworks are flawed
- Methodology—social invention
- Problem of national boundaries and “nationality”
- Objectivity vs stereotypes
- Context
- Frameworks as tools
- Other Perspectives and Issues
- Focus and time
- Monochromic v polychromic
- Relationships vs transactional: people (social) vs. tasks (instrumental)
- Guanxi—efficiency (China)
- Personal space
- Degree of comfort sharing space
- Getting in your face
- Line jumping
- Context
- High/low degree to which background/context is important to the message
- Contradictions
- Every culture is full of them
- Consequences of Culture
- What are the implications of culture:
- On managing people
- On managing organizations
- On relations with suppliers
- On creating and branding products
- On selling products and services
- On competing
- Russia
- Very isolated—few warm weather ports
- Population highly concentrated on the European side
- Borders Europe, Asia, and the Middle East
- Russian Gov
- Russian Federatoin—“Democratic” but in name only, 3 branches
- President and Prime Minister rotate
- Putin and Medvedev
- Two legislative branches—Duma and Federal Council
- Judiciary (Weak)
- Important to understand from a business standpoint
- Intellectual property enforcement is weak
- Sham democracy—most people vote for the party in power
- Russian Economy
- 8.1% growth (2008) but has tailed off and now is in negatives
- Inflation is decreasing (9% to 6% in 2016)
- Rich in resources
- Trade surplus
- Oligarchy: corruption, cronyism, mafia
- Low rate of FDI, restrictions
- Desire to build high tech sectors
- Weak banking systems
- Small banks are honest but under funded
- Large banks are corrupt and over extended
- Now (2012( a member of WTO (antagonistic relationship with former Soviet Republics and the west)
- Russian Geo Political Issues
- EU—desires membership, resents membership of former East Bloc countries
- Oil and natural gas as leverage
- Antagonistic towards NATO
- Consider the original mission of protection from USSR and East Bloc
- Russians living in former parts of USSR
- Re establishing the USSR/Imperial Russia
- Georgia, Ukraine, Baltic states, Armenia/Azerbaijan
- Fear of Islamic fundamentalists---Chechnya, former Soviet Asian republics
- Russian suspicion and inferiority
- Geography and Resources
- Largest land mass, 3rd in arable land
- 1 in natural gas and arms exports
- 2 in oil production
- 3 in electricity consumption and CO2 pollution
- 4 in uranium production
- Demographics
- Population: 142.5 million (9th largest)
- 160 ethnic groups, 80% Russian, Tatars and Ukrainians
- Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, other
- Religion: Christian (Russian Orthodox), Islam, Buddhism and Judaism
- Life expectancy: 73 (women), 59 (men)
- Due to alcohol
- Workforce
- Highly educated but skills don’t match the market
- Russian Culture and Biz Environment
- Old/new split (post communist era)
- Old
- Hierarchial
- Fatalism/pessimism/cynicsm
- Corruption/suspicion
- Romanticism
- Toughness/aggressiveness
- New
- Open
- Relaxed
- Motivated
- Pro west
- Core values: family, stability, honor, loyalty, patience, endurance, support
- Punctuality and patience are required
- Formality and professionalism initially
- Emotional
- Temper
- Compromise is a sign of weakness
- Corruption and lack of ethics
- Centralized—top down decision making
- Preference for Russian
- Drinking
- Contemporary Russian Business Environment
- Antiquated industry
- Low rates of entrepreneurship
- Mismatch of labor market to demand
- Poor infrastructure
- Low internet and broadband penetration
- Landline phones unreliable and expensive
- Poor transportation system
- Conclusions
- Patience in doing business in a new country is critical
- Bureaucracy
- Corruption
- Planning
- Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
- Research
- Build connections
- Adapt
- Everything will take longer and cost more than expected