Old Seed Preservations
Autor: sklodhi • November 6, 2015 • Book/Movie Report • 2,716 Words (11 Pages) • 906 Views
Old seed preservations
In today era the peoples are moving towards high productions. Their main focus is to earn high profits through making continuous huge productions for which they use most modern seeds which provides higher productions. In this regard obtaining high productions farmers use such modern seeds which have bad effects on the populations they used their productions. To overcome this situation there is a great need exist to protect those old seeds which become obsolete while with low level of productions these seeds were beneficial for human health. Our main focus is on to identify those seeds which becomes obsolete and determine their values by making an effective comparison with modern seeds.
In our project we determine about nutritional facts which are present in the old seeds while absent in the modern seeds. We also elaborate the importance of these nutritionalfacts by relating them with the different human body functions.
Creating the Disease free environment in the whole world.
Promoting the value of old seeds, creating awareness among peoples of all ages about the benefits which can be obtained by usingthese old seeds. Describe about the plantation, storage and usage of old seeds which results in diseases free environment.
But it’s important to note: the world doesn’t just need more food. It also needs better food that’s more nutritious. And it needs to find ways to make the process of growing food more efficient and aligned with our environmental needs, so farmers use less water and land, and better utilize things like fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides.
A growing debate
Right now, there is a big debate over how agriculture should work, and we understand why. Agriculture affects all of us, directly and indirectly. It affects us directly through the food we eat and it affects us indirectly through its relationship to the environment, the use of natural resources and the global economy. Even though farmers grow a lot more than food (such as cotton for clothes and corn and grass for fuel), we think it’s a good thing consumers are increasingly interested in understanding where their food comes from. It’s the first step to understanding how agricultural systems work, and what’s at stake.
Different opinions:
Some people believe the correct answer to our challenges is to move backwards in time toward an agricultural system that relies less on human innovations and more on human labor. While we respect that opinion, we don’t share it. Agriculture has benefited from technology and the people who grow our food have sought new ways to improve their own lives—and ours producing more with low expenses.
What we believe:
At old seed preservation we believe old seeds should be improved for the same basic reasons that medicine, engineering, architecture and computers should be improved: because human innovation is at the center of human progress.