Poopy Butthole
Autor: noahstotland • January 25, 2017 • Essay • 1,173 Words (5 Pages) • 904 Views
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LPO Final Exam Framework
Reading Case:
- Look for patterns when reading
- Draw a timeline of events; identify key situations
- Draw out networks of people
- Mark down one or two key sentences from each paragraph
- Identify a reading/framework that is relevant after each section
Write: Use headings and subheadings to make logic clear
- Less focused on teams, more individual → then work out through company dynamic
Models: use as organizing frameworks (providing solutions) → motivation
- Star Alignment Model
- People & connections → interrelations, how It relates to culture
- Analyze why we do it in 1st place
- Whether or not things filed in each section consistent with overall problem → LINK BACK
- IPO Model
- Leadership Development
- Motivation Model
- Performance Model
- Explain arrows
- Diagnose situation to identify goals & problems
- Identify factors
- Develop possible solutions
- Identify best solution
- Explain how/why solution will lead to set of outcomes
- Intended
- Unintended
What is the predicament/situation?
- What is the problem? Goals? Surface vs. deep level
- Segment the root causes of the problem: a summary sentence
- External Analysis: do any external factors play into the problem?
How did the protagonist get into the predicament/situation?
- Think about individual, team and organizational level
- Use frameworks to diagnose the problem
- How do factors affect people and outcome of the case?
Star Alignment Model:
- Diagnose the overall culture of the firm
- Identify situations that would fall under each corner of the star
- Write an overall statement that sums up the results of these situations and what the culture of the firm is
- Misalignments between any aspects will create weak culture
[pic 1]
- Structure: Interdependencies in the culture (reciprocal, pooled, sequential), boss
- Rewards: Team design (types of compensation, group/independent), Transformational leadership- provides intrinsic rewards
- Organizational culture: identify the “artifacts” of the culture; change management
- Information/decision making: Execution as learning, three E’s of communication
- HR/People: Transformational leadership (coaching/mentoring), performance management (constant conversation, 360 degree feedback, etc.)
Performance Management Model:
- Diagnose an individual/group
- Identify situations that would fall under each category
- Summarize the effects of this on the certain individual/group
- Resources: Power Deficit Executive
- Motivation: Organizational culture fit (Organizational Culture Profile), work/life balance- has it affected their motivation? Alpha male
- Direction: transformational leadership, performance management
- Making a team out of star players
Process Model of Leader Development:
- Diagnose employee/leader (eg. Elise Smart)
- Identify their level of readiness and reflection
- Are they within their stretch zone? Do they need more challenge/support?
- Have to inform and transform
- Context, ownership
- Alpha Male: how open are they to new experiences/how often do they reflect?
Contingency Model:
- Diagnose a leader/evaluate relationship management
- Diagnose what the leader/individual thinks of him or herself, what the situation they are facing and why this affects their leadership style (could be used in action plan as well)
- Relationship Management: Power Deficit Executive: play/change the game
- Managing Up
Team Effectiveness Model:
- Diagnose a team
- Identify various inputs, what team processes (i.e. interaction between members), psych states and what outcomes
Readings (relate to DMR too):