The Involvement of the Mirabal Sisters
Autor: nahyellirdgz • July 27, 2016 • Research Paper • 820 Words (4 Pages) • 1,010 Views
Nahyelli Barrientos
English IV B
The Involvement of the Mirabal Sisters
The Mirabal sisters where born in Ojo de Agua in the Salcedo providence Dominican Republic. They grew up highly educated at a time where women did not receive a good education. Minerva wanted to become a lawyer. At the time women were not allowed to attended law school this did not sit well with Minerva. The Mirabal family had its first run in with Rafael Trujillo at a party. He observed Minerva at the party and started to fancy her. Trujillo invited the Mirabal family to another party once again. The Mirabal family feared the dictator that refusing the invitation was not an option. They went ahead and attended the party where Minerva and Trujillo danced and chatted. Things got out of hand when she turned him down. The family left the party, this infuriated Trujillo. He decides to arrest the father for leaving the party before him. To get her father out of prison Minerva made a deal with the devil. It was more like a game. If she lost the game her father would be released but she would have to stay with Trujillo. If she won, the game her father would be released and she would get to go to law school.
Trujillo had control over the Dominican Republic for over thirty-one years. While he was in power he created a secret police force. He would use this secret police force to threaten, censor, the media. He also used it to murder people. Reports of Trujillo’s involvement in the massacre of 20,000 Haitian, his reputation got ruined. He also feared the “darkling” of the Dominican Republic. He publicly promoted it anti-Haitian sediments.
The sisters got married and had children, they had normal lives. That didn’t last long. The sisters and some supporters decided to put an end to Trujillo’s reign of terror he has put on the Dominican people. This quote provides some insight in how the sisters where feeling at during this time. “We cannot allow our children to grow up in this corrupt and tyrannical regime we have to fight against. I am willing to give up everything including my life if necessary” – Patricia Mirabal. They formed a group to fight against Trujillo it became known as the moviento de 14 de Junio (the movement of the 14 of June). The sisters also became known as the Mariposas (the butterflies). The group held meetings and where fighting against Trujillo. A member of the movement betrayed them. Most of the members of the movement where arrested, somewhere also murdered.