The Wedding Case
Autor: simba • February 23, 2014 • Case Study • 1,495 Words (6 Pages) • 1,339 Views
Have you ever imagined something that appeared to be real but in reality it was not? Have you thought about the way you look and the judgment about yourself was different from the way your friends appear it to be? Our society revolves around what people think about themselves and others. In the book, The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks, he develops the theme, appearance and reality, in variety of scenarios people could not image. Nicholas Sparks is one of the world's beloved storytellers (Sparks). He was born on December 31, 1965, in Omaha, Nebraska and now he is currently living with his five children and wife, Catherine, in North Carolina ("The Wedding" 331). In 1985, he broke the school track record for the four by eight hundred relay in track in his freshmen year at Notre Dame and later on he was offered a full track scholarship (‘Nicholas Sparks Biography"). He started trying out hand writing after he suffered from an injury that was in track. Throughout the year he wrote his first novel, but it was never published. After he tried some different careers, he co-wrote a novel with Billy Mills Wokini named, A Lakota Journey to Happiness and Self-Understanding ("Nicholas Sparks"). In 1992, he tried a job as a pharmaceutical salesman, which required him to move to North Carolina. Later on while living in North Carolina, he wrote the novel, The Notebook, which garnered a widespread recognition for Sparks. Someone said, "Nicholas Sparks follows up his beloved bestseller The Notebook with a touching novel about one man's attempt to saving a failed marriage" (BookPage). Nicholas Sparks got most of his inspiration for his writing from his family hardships ("The Wedding" 331). His novel, Message in a Bottle, was inspired by the tragic death of his mother in 1989 in a horseback riding accident. Later on in 1996, his father died in a prematurely in a car accident. Spark's younger sister, Danielle, died of brain cancer, but before she died, he was inspired to write the novel, A Walk to Remember. Since Sparks and his brother, Michah, had been through so many family tragedies, they wrote a fiction novel about their around-the world trip which helped them with their emotional pain and struggle ("The Wedding"). The Wedding is about a man, Wilson Lewis, living in New Bern who forgot about his and his wife, Jane, 29th anniversary and she became very upset with him, so as an apology gift he bought her perfume. Throughout the novel, they become very distant with each other. For example, when Jane was talking about visiting their son Joseph in New York, Wilson agreed to it and said that he would go along as well, but Jane meant only her visiting Joseph. After a short hesitation, Wilson was fine with just Jane visiting their son. During the days, Wilson would think about their relationship like how to get Jane to love him the way she did when they were younger. Every week, he would visit Jane's