Agency Relationships
Autor: Psiclone • September 18, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,274 Words (6 Pages) • 772 Views
Contracts have a long history originating in ancient times. The United States contract law has it origin from the British Commonwealth and parts of the British Empire. One may ask, what is a contract exactly. The text states that a contract is an agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by the law (“Cheeseman, H.R.” 2016). In contracts you will have two parties which are defined as the offeror and the offeree. The Offeror is the party that makes the offer and the Offeree one who accepts the offer. To create a contract, the offeror’s offer has to be accepted by the offeree. Without the acceptance there is no offer. Contracts are very important within the business community. In most cases a business will have multiple contacts with our business to provide a service or perform task associated with the desires of the company and the service provider. These contracts are also made with our military service men and women. Service members are contracted to perform a specific function for a period of years.
Military Contracts
It is important when creating a contract for that contract to be enforceable in the court of law. To satisfy that obligation the basic requirements must be met. Those requirements are having an agreement, an offer, acceptance, and consideration. In a military contract the organization will show the agreement from the allowing the individual to select a military occupation job description. The acceptance of the contract is when the individual completes all required paperwork and the first screening is completed. Once the Screening results are collected and all the information is in proper order, an offer is made. If the individual accepts the offer the individual is given their original contract and prepare to attend training. This process satisfies the requirements to making a contact. In a military contract one will have to waive some portions of their rights. The Supreme Court explained this “(The Supreme Court of the United States) has long recognized that the military is, by necessity, a specialized society separate from civilian society…the rights of men in the armed forces must perforce be conditioned to meet certain over riding demands of discipline and duty Parker v. Levy, 1974” (para. 1 Rights of Military Members). Some of these rights are Equal Protection under the law, due process, and freedom of expression. These rights are abridged because of the distinctive nature of military service. This would not be possible in any other sector of the public however due to the nature of military service it is allowed.
Business Application
While organizations cannot take away the rights of American citizen, organizations can use elements from the military contract. In a typical business the concept of hiring individuals to perform a certain task is not far-fetched. A contractor