Auditing Research
Autor: Jonathan Sperber • February 17, 2016 • Essay • 2,390 Words (10 Pages) • 701 Views
ACCT 748 Fall 2015 Dr. R. M. Siegfried
Tentative Final Study Questions
Chapter 6
Analog signal over a continuous range over 10-20miles per hour.
Front-end processor - special-purpose computer that manages
communications to and from a computer system serving hundreds or even
thousands of users.
Digital signal everything is broken to 1s and 0s. Everything is clear what numbers
Gateway- telecommunications device that serves as an entrance to another network
Full duplex communications both are two ways, and can go both ways at a time
Router- telecommunication device that forwards data packets across two or more distinct networks
Half duplex communications both are two way but it can only one way at a t ime
Communications protocol- set of standards when computers communicate with e/o
Simplex communications- one-way direction
- Define the term communications. How does telecommunications differ from data communications?
- Describe the steps involved in the communications process.
- What is a telecommunications medium? List three media in common use.
Signals interface between a sending device and a receiving device.
Simplex, Half-duplex, Full Duplex
- What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communications?
- communication in which the receiver gets the message instantaneously
B) communications in which the receiver gets the message, minutes, hours or even days after it is sent.
- Discuss the function and use of a modem and a multiplexer.
- What is the difference between a switched and a dedicated line?
- Define the term computer network.
- Identify three distributed data processing alternatives.
- What advantages and disadvantages are associated with the use of client/server computing?
- What is a T1 line? How might it be used?
- What is a network operating system? What is network management software?
- What role do the bridge, router, gateway and switch play in a network?
Switch- low level
Gateway- Networks that are similar
- Describe a local area network and it’s various associated components.
Router, modem, Computers, file servers, printers.
- What is a wide area network? What is a value-added network?
Value added- Is like a highway, must pay to get access to the network
- What is EDI? Why are companies using it?
How must ecommerce takes place
Chapter 7
Applet - a small program than can run in your browser
Digital signature- secure way of putting a signature on a computer
HTML- hypertext market language
Backbone- one of the Internet’s high-speed, long-distance communications links