Brand Audit on Charity
Autor: rita • September 8, 2012 • Research Paper • 3,052 Words (13 Pages) • 1,924 Views
Executive Summary
This brand audit looks at how branding can affect a charity or- ganisation in the promotion of its work and connect with the gen- eral public. The audit looks specifically at two charity organisa- tions, Sacred Hear t Mission and The Salvation Army, both of which have Op-Shops along Chapel Street. A thorough research was conducted with both primar y and secondar y research.
Withtheinformationcollectedthenextstepwastoanalyzetheinformation that was collected.A positioning matrix was used to identify other organi- sations within the area and how the above-mentioned charities stacked up. With the research collected the use of a Brand Touch Point table was helpful in identifying the different methods and mediums each organisation was able to use for their marketing and branding. After understanding each organisations branding por tfolio the use of Kel- ler's CBBE pyramid and Kepferer's Brand Identity Prism helped to consolidate the overall resonance of each brand and organisation.
At the end of the audit it was found that Sacred Hear t Mis- sion had a good and consistent brand strategy, this strat- egy had many attributes that have helped the organisation to stand out amongst the other charities and organisations. With The Salvation Army their ability to use their wide range of re- sources were helpful, the rich histor y that the organisation have is a useful tool to push themselves forward into another centur y of char- ity work and contributions to the public especially those in need.
The audit overall pointed out that a company or organisa- tion does not need to have a rich histor y to be success- ful but to have a consistent brand identity and brand resonance would be the key factor in differentiation within the market.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary i
Introduction 1
The Organisations 4
The Brand Inventory 5
The Brand Inventor y Process 7
Por tfolio Comprehensiveness 8
The Brand Exploratory 9
The Brand Inventor y Process 11
Maps and Associations 12