Breakthrough for Viability
Autor: Dilbertoo • March 28, 2015 • Thesis • 12,216 Words (49 Pages) • 643 Views
Breakthrough for Viability
You mean we can gain 20% or more in productivity without investing in equipment or personnel? And this windfall shows up quickly? And it lasts? And the global market value of its benefit is $8 trillion dollars per annum? And its prime mover delivers huge humanitarian value that goes viral? Yup.
First things first
This journal was bumping along minding its own business tracking our long, plodding quest to advance sociotechnology of project productivity when a breakthrough occurred that replaced the central focus of our labor and its journal. The extraordinary nature of the breakthrough makes it necessary to understand its cartload of implications upfront. Don’t worry about the details of the what and how of the paradigm before you grasp the significance of this singular, sui generis innovation.
The reason for all the rearrangement of our work, allocation and focus on the breakthrough is simply the mind-boggling span of its reach and grasp. The benefits are so huge that to withhold them from humankind is unconscionable.
While the breakthrough has its “magical” algorithms and its practitioner virtuosos, it is by no means a notable, sui generis breakthrough because of technological genius. It is not a cure for cancer or the explanation of Dark Matter.
The breakthrough is breathtaking by virtue of its scale of immediate, beneficial application everywhere on the planet. It delivers a substantial economic payoff and, at the same time, it delivers big on mental health benefits. In implementing the paradigm, the humanitarian benefit, delivered first, is the prime mover responsible for the windfall profits.
Breakthrough benefits are introduced first to frame its paradigm of boosting productivity. While “Productivity Betterment” (PB) for projects, our original goal, is a significant contribution to project productivity improvement on its own, the double whammy of its humanitarian contribution is now delivered first. Because of the breakthrough, human factor engineering has become the requisite step one in running any project, any operating process. Taking advantage of the great leverage of the paradigm to goal seek, now that the breakthrough sociotechnology is mature, is just common sense.
The humanitarian force multipliers unleashed by the breakthrough are surprisingly powerful and persistent. Time has shown the transformations prevail over various disturbances and auto-propagate by contact with others. Reverberating by reciprocity, the positive transformations do not need to be nursed to stay healthy.
The formulary
The breakthrough paradigm delivers by reversing the polarity of the key human factor drivers that are sending productivity to hell. The instinct to be productive, being genetically endowed, is always ready to function. The release from angst and the positive transformation that follows, adds a moral, compassionate dimension to the breakthrough.