Bus 2101 Ch 3 Individual and Organizational Learning
Autor: Maryna Koval • October 13, 2018 • Course Note • 1,708 Words (7 Pages) • 521 Views
Ch3 Individual and Organizational Learning
A learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights.
Organizational Learning- is the process of creating, retaining, and transferring knowledge within an organization.
No education can provide students will all the skills and knowledge they will need for the rest of their career.
Teaching you how to learn to become a lifelong learner is schools best strategy.
Characteristic of Adult Learning Environment:
1. Psychological contract of reciprocity- human interaction.
Relationships based on a mutual and equal balance of giving and getting thrive and grow (to incorporate new ideas and perspectives).
Academic learning is mostly based on getting rather than giving. Both giving and getting are important. To apply new perspectives and to practice their use.
2.Experience based. Motivation comes not from the instructor’s or grades but from problems and opportunities arising from the learner’s own life experience. Idea that we need to learn and also allow contribute to the learning of others.
3.Personal application. Adults’ leaning arise from their own experience, main goal is to apply new knowledge, skills, and attitudes to the solution of the individual’s practical problems.
4.Individualized and self-directed. To adopt different learning goals and styles learning environments have to be flexible. Learners, must also be willing to take responsibility for achieving their learning objectives and alert the group or instructor if problems arise.
5.Integrates learning and living. Two goals. One: learn the specifics of a particular subject matter. Two: learn one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
A Model of the Learning Process
Knowledge- defined as the condition of knowing something through experience.
Key Observations about Kold’s model:
1.continuously recurring learning style.
2.the direction that learning takes is governed by one’s felt needs and goals. Seek experiences that are related to our goals.
3.learning process is directed by individual needs and goals.
We may jump into experiences but fail to observe the lesson, may form concepts but fail to test their validity.
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Learning Style Inventory Elements/modes (p59)
Learning Style Inventory- theory is deigned to measure your strengths and weaknesses as a learner in the four stages of the learning process.
It shows how you see yourself as a learner.
*Concrete Experience(feeling)- involve fully and openly without bias in new experiences.
dealing with immediate human situations in personal way. Feeling, focusing on the uniqueness and complexity of present reality. Skilled intuitive decision makers and function well in unstructured situations. Value relating to people, involved in real situations, open-minded.
Ex: talking about OB midterm