Business Comunication Weekly Summary
Autor: gustavo66 • February 25, 2014 • Essay • 354 Words (2 Pages) • 1,124 Views
Week #1
Weekly Summary
1) What is the single most important concept you learned this week? Why?
The most important concept I learned this week was Organizational Culture, because it is something that is created by the leadership of the organization and can become very ingrained into the core of the organization, the way things are communicated and business is done on a day-to-day basis. Positive cultures can influence productivity and a healthy work environment; however a culture that is less than positive can have the opposite affect and can actually stifle productivity and ultimately the bottom line.
2) Describe your reaction to this week’s learning material. Have any of your previous concepts or ideas about the topics covered this week been changed, altered, or reinforced? Explain.
This week was very exciting to me starting my studies at University of Phoenix. Is a new way to study since it is on-line. But especially when I read about conflict I was surprise and as most of the people, I thought that conflict was something bad and that it needs to be avoided. This erroneous way of thinking change when I learned that research suggests that when conflict occurs, group members are often challenged to research issues in greater detail and learn more about the issues under discussion. In fact, conflict can enhance learning and spur more in-depth analysis.
This week I was reinforce on the importance of effective and clear Communication within the Organization, poor communication is the most common cause of conflicts therefore, good communication skills are critical to career success.
3) What idea, concept, principle, or practice from this week’s learning could have a practical application at your place of work or in your personal life? How?
The Cultural Barriers