Business Refelection
Autor: Fathimath Adam • August 27, 2016 • Essay • 276 Words (2 Pages) • 823 Views
Marking criteria and feedback for individual self-reflecting posts
on group simulation activity
SID: S1600995
[pic 1][pic 2] | Below 40% | 41 to 50% | 51 to 65% | Above 66% |
Format | Sequences of information is difficult to follow | Reader has difficulty following work because flow in the post is missing | Student presents information in a logical sequence which reader can follow through the post | Information is clear and logical, interesting sequence which the reader can follow |
Decision awareness | Student does not have a grasp of the operational decisions made by team; absence of appreciation of team ranking | Student is able to demonstrate basic level of knowledge of operational decisions made by team and marginal awareness of team ranking | Student is at ease with operational decisions; there is little elaboration of consequent impact on team ranking | Student demonstrates knowledge of operational decisions and consequent impact on team ranking in clear, concise post |
Group dynamics | Post does not have a connection to group decision making processes | Post has tenuous connection to group decision making processes used by team | `Post has a connection to the way the team went about arriving at decisions | All of the post has clear and evident analysis of the way the team went about making decisions |
Mechanics | Little time was spent preparing post; post has spelling and grammatical errors | Student has not planned, prepared or edited the post, some incorrect spellings and/or grammatical errors | Post is edited, planned, and trading phase specific; student demonstrates correct use of domain specific language | Post is a well-conceived writing example that demonstrates appropriate language use, grammar and academic standards |