Choice of Term
Autor: marquismad2000 • April 23, 2012 • Essay • 569 Words (3 Pages) • 1,559 Views
Explain what type(s) of information you must acknowledge and document in your written assignments.
The information learned in chapter 3 and 6 when writing research papers all ideas or information from and outside source must be documented. You have to give credit to the originator of the information and of their ideas and you have to cite it in a brief citation right after the information borrowed usually the author last name and date but if you use a direct quote you have to put it in quotation marks then you have to put in parenthesis the last name year and page number and you still have to reference the information at the end of your research paper under your reference page. (Sole, 2010
Identify the type(s) of information that does not require a source citation.
The only information that does not require you to use a citation is common knowledge information
Explain what you must do when you borrow the exact words of someone else in your paper.
When you borrow exact word from someone you have to put his words in quotation marks the you put a in text citation with page number if there is no page number then you count the paragraphs and put a paragraph number where the number was suppose to go.
Explain what you must do when you paraphrase (put information from an outside source in your own words).
When you paraphrase you use and in text citation as well without the page number which should be use more than using direct quoting in college research papers.
Sole, K. (2010). Writing College Research Papers. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education,
Inc. Retrieved from