Constant Improvement Leads to a Better Person and a Better Leader
Autor: jwillia9 • October 13, 2011 • Essay • 1,317 Words (6 Pages) • 1,757 Views
Constant Improvement Leads To A Better Person and A Better Leader
After completing this class and several other business management courses, I have come to realize that leaders are like cars. They come in all makes and models. There are several characteristics and behaviors that encompass what it means to be a good leader. I’ve realized that leaders are those who know how to effectively motivate others, they have strong communication skills, they know how to handle issues, low performance and other obstacles, and most importantly good leaders are those who are constantly looking for ways to improve themselves and others. I myself am a leader. I’m not a perfect leader, but I strive to constantly improve my leadership skills by evaluating my performance as a manager, and the performance of my team since they are a direct reflection of my efforts. I’ve gotten to this point by learning from my experiences, watching good leaders, and watching poor leaders as well (which, in my opinion, is an oxymoron).
Reflecting upon my past employment, I was fortunate to work with some of the best managers and leaders; yet I also experienced being managed by a not-so-good manager. While at Chase Bank as a Personal Banker, my branch manager was manipulative, controlling, and even threatening. He ran the branch “military style”. There were many rules (not necessarily a part of the company’s Polices and Procedures) that he often implemented and changed “at the the drop of of a dime”. Often when we didn’t meet our goals Personal Bankers were not allowed to sit down at their desks for the entire week, or other harsh punishments. He would also assign goals that were unrealistic and didn’t allow us to question them or suggest more attainable goals. When those goals were not met, the fault was none of his but solely ours.
That year-long experience, helped me to grow as a person and employee. It taught me exhibit patience, tolerance, and a very strong work ethic. Without being under the authority of someone like that is such a humbling experience. It has definitely taught me what NOT to do and HOW not to treat my team members.
On the other hand, while working at Chicago Apartment Finders (CAF) as a leasing agent, I had the best manager and co-workers that I’ve experienced in my working career so far. My manager truly led by example, and believed in the philosophy that “the employee is always right” (to an extent of course). He paid attention to our concerns. He made sure to coach us (not train, there is a difference) in weak areas. He also praised and recognized our efforts and successes. Even more so, my co-workers truly led by example as well. They took initiative to help and coach new employees, as well as provided help in times of need. At CAF, we were a family. We all needed each other and worked well together. It was our goal to help each other succeed. Tim, the manager, hired me