Consumer Influential Factors Affecting Laptop Brand Purchases
Autor: princesssmith • March 29, 2017 • Research Paper • 505 Words (3 Pages) • 1,096 Views
Consumer Influential Factors Affecting Laptop Brand Purchases:
Frequency Distribution
Princess Smith
MAT540 Statistical Concepts for Research
Prof. Alex Hapka
August 4, 2015
Consumer Influential Factors Affecting Laptop Brand Purchases:
Frequency Distribution
Marketers realize that consumers develop their purchase behaviors through many different factors. Many consumer purchasing decisions are based on brand loyalty or loyalty towards a particular product. A precise collection of data from three groups of consumers: stayers, satisfied switchers, and dissatisfied can be compiled in terms of brand usage profiles of each group and calculating the data using frequency distribution of laptop brands in correlation to brand features that influences each of the three group of consumers purchase decisions.
Statement of the Problem
Previous studies have shown that consumer laptop purchase decisions varies significantly. This leads to the need of sectoral studies rather than seminal studies in order to precisely determine and describe those factors amongst the three groups of consumers. Many of these studies have failed to convey a clear picture of consumer laptop brand preference in correlation to features of particular brands, thus influencing purchase decisions and brand loyalty relation to different consumer groups.
Literature Review
Goigoi & Kumar (2010) suggests that marketers must extensively study laptop consumer buying behaviors as it helps them to position their products better and develop effective marketing strategies. Consumers develop their purchasing behavior with an intention that is motivated by various factors in laptop purchases. “Consumers seek the products with excellent reliability and service that often accompanies well-respected brand names” (Darakhshan & Islam, 2010). Many laptop brands are offering the same features and functionality which allow consumers to easily compare brands on that basis. “However, consumers are not discriminating products based on its functionality; instead they will select the product based on the brand name” (Shah, 2012). In addition, consumer purchases have become more and more based upon product loyalty.