Corporate Governance and Employees
Autor: makuwenacca • March 18, 2015 • Research Paper • 10,627 Words (43 Pages) • 854 Views
As general principle stressed employees are not productive. Originated from this I dare to say, other thing being equal: College of Business and Economics to provide skilled human force to the market, first it should have to own less stressed instructors and other staff members, because stressed staff (instructors) may produce further unproductive labor (students), so the primary and ultimate concern of this research is to analyze the stress generating areas in CBE and to proactively manage them.
Interest in occupational stress become wide spread in recent years, however the experience is not new. Problem related to individual differences in personality and development may lead to dysfunctional behaviors and attitudes in organizations.
“Although stress has been defined in many ways a common ground of most definition is that caused by stimulus, that the stimulus can be either physical or psychological, and that the individual responds to the stimulus in some way. Here we define stress as a person’s adoptive response to a stimulus that places excessive psychological or physical demand on that person.
Many things can cause stress. There are two broad categories: organizational stressors and life stressors. Organizational stressors are various factors in the work place can cause stress. Obviously, anything from a broken pencil sharpener to an argument with one’s boss can lead to stress. Four general sets of organizational stressors are task demands, physical demands, role demands, and interpersonal demands. Life stressors: stress in organizational settings can also be influenced by events that take place outside the organization. Common approaches categorize these events in terms of life change and traumas” (Moorhead and Griffin, 1989: 193,197).
In this modern changing and competitive work environment, stress level increasing both in the workers as well as the managers. As a result of this work stress, more managers and workers are showing a sign of fatigue. In most cases and in College of Business and Economics stress leads to reduced efficiency in even the best of individuals, this in turn leads to reduced productivity. This is the main problem the research will concentrate.
This research will try to address the following questions:
- What are the basic causes of stress in College of Business and Economics?
- What are the consequences of stress in College of Business and Economics employees’ productivity?
- Why stress management is needed in organization?
- What information need, may contribute to reduce work related stressors?
People do not experience the same level of stress or exhibit similar out comes for a given type of stress, so managers need to understand and think about stress. Start from this the objectives of this research can be summarized as follows:
- To identify the causes of stress in College of Business and Economics.
- To examine the effect of stress in productivity of the workers.
- To explain ways in which stress can be managed.
- To examine the source of information which is needed to reduce work stress.
This research will be useful for a College of Business and Economics to identify and possibly resolve the causes of stress and proactively manage them.
It has long been a common opinion that prolonged strain resulting from job stress can make a person sick: so that this research remind for employee to avoid stressful jobs or hard-charging life styles.