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Discharge for Proper Cause Management-Labor Relations

Autor:   •  April 29, 2018  •  Case Study  •  487 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,087 Views

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DISCHAR!E 6OR ROER CA"SE7 Manag'm'nt 8 LaborR'lation&CASE INCIDENT

An agricultural company was established immediately a'ter the /econd 6orld 6ar. !he company started in a small way selling agricultural euipment on cash basis. As it grew" it e(tended its operations to include motor truc)s" 'arm tractors" parts and service. /ales was good then and it was able to nance many o' their installment sales" it became necessary to augment its sta# o' lawyers to handle legal cases inherent to installment selling. Mr. Artemio de Jesus" a lawyer" was hired as Fegal Assistant by the Company and was directly responsible to the Corporate /ecretary. <e was given the tas) o' handling legal cases covering installment sales. or several years" Mr. Artemio de Jesus did a very good job. ,ut the job was good only while legal cases arising 'rom installment sales lasted. !he company" a'ter losing heavily on repossessions" decided what it would no longer allow in ; house nancing company. Due to the change in the nancing policy o' the company" the position o' Mr. Artemio de Jesus with thecompany became irrelevant and his services were no longer needed. ,ecause legal matters were the only cases that Mr. A. de Jesus handled 'or the companyP he was not prepared to occupy others positions or do other jobs 'or the Company in case o' vacancies. ,ecause o' this" the managementdid not )now what to do with him. !he rst choice o' action by the company was to terminate the services Mr. de Jesus. <owever" the company )new that to do so would result in legal battle between them and him.urthermore" they could not readily terminate the services o' Mr. de Jesus without prior approval 'rom the Department o' Fabor. !he alternative action actually ta)en by the company


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