E-Learning: Use and Competetive Advantage
Autor: mikeyme84 • August 14, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,756 Words (8 Pages) • 1,393 Views
E-Learning 1
Potential Use and Competitive Advantage
Potential Use
The e-learning program the very efficient for the college in numerous ways. The major one being the reduction in material needed for classroom learning. There won’t be any paper involved, chalk, chalkboard, screens, desks, and projection screens. The more e-learning programs we can incorporate, the less and less resources we will use thus saving the college money in the long run.
Not only that, all lessons are available to everyone at any time of the day. There are no worries about missing classroom sessions as al lessons are virtually online at everyone’s fingertips at all times. One of the best things about e-learning is that all lessons, programs, and classes will be conducted the same. With e-learning, each class no matter what professor is teaching will be conducted in the same suit as the next. E-learning allows the college to provide consistency for all students. With classroom teaching, the curriculum is at risk of being delivered according to the professor’s style.
Competitive Advantage
The most important competitive advantage of implementing an e-learning program is there ability to reach out to a greater number of students. Students can log on remotely and do not have to travel for an in-classroom experience. The more learners the college can reach out to the more money the college can save.
E-Learning 2
In today’ economy, people want options and freedom to choose. An e-learning program does just that. It gives the student options and the freedom to learn what they want, where they want, and how fast or slow they want. This is a huge competitive advantage over the traditional college interaction. Our perspective students can be from anywhere in the world and learn at their own pace.
Updating the curriculum is easily done. The e-learning interface allows the college to update the program and materials needed in just a short time. This allows the college to save on any physical materials needed in the traditional college setting. Not only that, this is just more savings passed on to the students. Books and materials needed is a huge cost to the students. With everything online, paper and labor costs are cut down significantly.
Planning and Implementation
The planning for introducing an e-learning system will take hard word and dedication from all staff members involved in such project. The main goal is to provide a teaching method that is virtually online. To