Autor: safiakiran • November 28, 2016 • Presentation or Speech • 7,295 Words (30 Pages) • 636 Views
Sumaira Mustafa, first of all we would like to thank ALLAH, who is the most beneficent and merciful. Due to his bounteous blessings, finally we became able to finish our report that has been given by our DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC instructor to us. We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to our guide Sir Liaquat for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout this course.
Finally to group members who showed their great efforts, support, cooperation and encouragement in collecting valuable information and completing this report. We would like to thank our respected teacher “SIR LIAQAT”. Due to his efforts that “DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS” subject, become understandable and intelligible for us. Whatever, we have learnt from him will definitely help us in our upcoming studies and the professional life ahead. Thank you so much for being so co-operative and so helpful every time. We hope we have been up to your expectations.
1.0 Introduction:
China, officially the People's Republic of china, is a country in Southeast Asia. It is located in South East Asia along the coastline of Pacific Ocean. It is bordered by 14 countries -- Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Russia. Marine-side neighbors include eight countries -- North Korea, Korea, Japan, Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. China declared independence state on 1st October 1949.The name china means “A translucent ceramic material, its glaze fired at a low temperature”.
China is largest country of East Asia. The population is approximately 20% of world population China adopted- socialist market economy CHINA is the world second largest economy by nominal GDP & by purchase power parity. China is also the largest Exporter & second largest Importer of goods in the world.
1.1 Geographic location
China has one of the oldest civilization, is a huge country by the number of peoples, its limitless territory, the variety of climates and ethnic groups, With its surface, it covers the third world rank - behind Russia and Canada-; it represents a quarter of the surface of Asia. China covers up a wide range of latitude and longitude. Some areas are far from the sea and some other are beside or close to the sea. Both the topography and the climate are diverse and complex. China's climate is dominated by dry and wet monsoons, which grounds obvious temperature differences between winter and summer.