Economic Political Study Guide
Autor: Molly Shen • April 18, 2019 • Course Note • 2,525 Words (11 Pages) • 645 Views
Economic political study guide
Dutch disease: Holland
Sudden make a currency value↑, to make the export出口↓
1970‘’ Dutch is lucky face North Sea, they have oil and gas, but it develops to a disease
What happen? When they get rich-their currency become value↑-export出口↓
People think it is great place to invest, because their currency ↑
Dutch: oil, agriculture , beer ship all around the world
荷兰病(荷语:Hollandse ziekte)是一个和自然资源与经济发展相关的术语。是指由于出口自然资源,导致货币汇率上升,因而工业出口减少、国内制造业衰退的现象。
How to deal with it?
- ↓ currency
主要依靠sterilization is action taken by a country's central bank to counter the effects on the money supply caused by a balance of payments surplus or deficit.[1] This can involve open market operations undertaken by the central bank whose aim is to neutralize the impact of associated foreign exchange operations. (wiki)
对于大多数oil 多的国家-sovereign wealth fund 主权财富基金 SWF
由一些主权国家政府所建立并拥有,用于长期投资的金融资产或基金,主要来源于国家财政盈余、外汇储备、自然资源出口盈余等,一般由专门的政府投资机构管理[1]。 (wiki)