Elizabeth Country Wares
Autor: Ankit Kumar • July 6, 2016 • Case Study • 1,453 Words (6 Pages) • 992 Views
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Elizabeth’s Country Wares
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course
Written Analysis and Communications I
Instructor: Prof. Mukul Vasavada
Academic Associate: Madhvi Pathak
Submitted on July 2, 2016 by
Ankit Kumar
Section C
June 2, 2009
Mrs. Elizabeth Hines
Elizabeth’s Country Wares
Woodstock, Ontario
Dear Elizabeth,
Subject: Advice regarding increasing the production capacity of Elizabeth’s Country Wares.
This report contains my analysis of the available options in order to increase the production capacity of Country Pitchers. Based on the required needs and attached quality concerns, I recommend you to purchase the decal equipment. I have worked out an action plan for the same.
Ankit Kumar
Executive Summary
Elizabeth Country Wares (ECW), a ceramic products manufacturing company, is under the predicament of how to increase their production capacity without hampering the quality of product.
Elizabeth herself is part of production process, but she can dedicate only 8hrs/week to the production. To remove this bottleneck, the available options are purchasing decal equipment, outsourcing decal painting and outsourcing complete Country pitcher production process.
After analysing the above options, under certain relevant criteria such as increase in capacity, quality of CP and risks involved with that option, it is recommended that ECW continues with purchasing the decal equipment.
Total words: 97
Table of Contents[pic 2]
- Situational Analysis
- Problem Statement
- Options
- Criteria for Evaluation
- Evaluation of Options
- Recommendations
- Action plan
- Exhibits
Situational Analysis[pic 3]
Elizabeth Hines, owner and operator of Elizabeth Country Wares (ECW) is under the predicament of how to increase its production capacity of Country Pitchers (CP), a decorating ceramic piece. There has been an expected demand of around 3000 CPs, while ECW’s current production methods can reach up to 1996 CPs only (Refer Exhibit 1). Elizabeth fears that she has not been using her time efficiently. If not a part of production process, she could work on products with high profit margin such as “butter churn lamps”