Financial Management
Autor: Rediet Taffe • June 7, 2019 • Research Paper • 668 Words (3 Pages) • 664 Views
Addis Ababa University
Department of Management
Business Research Method
Guideline for students to work on Research Proposal and manuscript Review
- Research Proposal Evaluation (30 marks)
The following are specific instructions for preparing and submitting research proposal:
- Conduct review of Literature on your chosen topic, identify your phenomenon of interest, provide justification for your study (including justification for your choice of constructs/variables in your study), build and justify your conceptual framework, and describe the method for conducting your study including your data analysis strategy.
- Include an appendix containing the data- gathering instruments that you intend to use to conduct the study (interview questions, Questionnaire items)
- Avoid using unpublished papers or low impact journals your source of reference. At least 50% of your references should be from top-tier journals. Look at journal citation report- a product of Thomson Reuters, to obtain impact factor of journals. This report can be accessed using AAU library facility.
- Prepare your proposal by adhering to the latest publication guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA). A sloppily-prepared proposal that does not conform to APA guideline will be given lower point.
- Avoid listing in your reference the articles you did not read and cite in the body of the paper and all the cited works should be duly acknowledged in the reference.
- Your proposal should be between 15-20 pages in length (typed 1.5 line spaced with 1-in margins and 12 point Times New Roman font) including references and appendices
- Submit both soft and a printed copy of your proposal to your instructor from the last class date until your final exam date for the course. No need to bind the printed proposal in to booklet – simply staple the pages together at the top.
Evaluation of your research proposal will be made according to the following criteria
- Importance/contribution to the field, knowledge
- Conceptual adequacy- Originality/novelty of ideas, significance of contribution to knowledge, evidence of knowledge of relevant theory and prior research on the topic
- Technical adequacy – rigor and appropriateness of method, appropriate use of planned statistical tests
- Professionalism – orderly organization of the manuscript, clear writing, correct language and conformity to the suggested publication guidelines
- Adequate review of literature and proper citation of sources
- Article Critique ( 15 marks)
Reviewing Research is critical evaluation of the work of others. You need to choose an article of your own choice on a quantitative study from any online journal you can find on Google scholar. Provide an informed review by reading any additional relevant documents on the topic. It is suggested that, first you provide an introductory paragraph that gives your overall impression of the article and highlight the major shortcomings. Then provide specific numbered comments with specific page numbers, passages, tables, and figures in your review.