Freemark Abbey Winery
Autor: Zhang Yuanling • November 12, 2015 • Case Study • 1,316 Words (6 Pages) • 1,072 Views
Case Instructions
Group Cases: You should have a cover sheet, approximately 15 pages of text, a reference page with 5 or more sources (one should be your text book) and appendices. Use 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1” margins.
Case Study Grading Rubric:
- Content (75%) : Does the paper logically and substantially address the decision problem? Appropriate and adequate analyses performed?
- Organization (5%): Does the paper contain a Cover page, Page numbers, Executive Summary, Body, Conclusion, and References?
- References (10%) Were 5 or more sources used? Are they correctly cited in the body of the paper and on the reference page in APA format?
- Word Usage (10%) Is the paper free of grammatical and spelling errors? Are appropriate terms and language used?
Format for Case Studies
- Your case study should include but not be limited to the following format.
- Executive Summary of the case – This is a paragraph or two about the facts in the case. Be brief, but be thorough. This should be in summary format.
This case study will examine the case of Freemark Abbey Winery. William Jaeger is a partner in a winery and must decide how to proceed with the future harvest based on multiple factors. William must decide when to harvest his grapes to get the most profit for his company. We know that there is a fifty percent chance that a thunderstorm will strike Freemark Abbey Winery and if this happens there will be a forty percent chance that the winery will be able to produce a coveted botrytised Riesling. This botrytised Riesling would sell for $8.00 a bottle. The botrytised Riesling however would only produce seventy percent of the volume of what a non-botrytised Riesling would yield total in volume. Freemark also has the option of selling all of their grapes off wholesale for what would amount to $1.00 a bottle wholesale. If the rainstorm falls on the abbey and mold does not form however the wine will be thin and will only sell for $2.00 a bottle. There is a sixty percent chance of this happening.
If the rainstorm does not fall on Freemark Abbey Winery and the mold is also not able to form there are three possibilities. The wine will reach twenty five percent sugar content and sell for $3.50 wholesale. There is a forty percent chance of this happening. There is also a forty percent chance that the wine will reach twenty percent sugar content and sell for $3.00. There is also the less likely chance that the grapes will not reach above nineteen percent sugar content and then only sell for $2.50. There is a twenty percent chance that this will happen under the circumstances of no rainstorm. Freemark Abbey Winery also has the option of immediately bottling their wine before the storm has a chance to fall and this would produce a wine of $2.85 a bottle wholesale.