Geography: Debs
Autor: darragh94 • November 2, 2015 • Coursework • 552 Words (3 Pages) • 593 Views
Geography: Debs-
Karst region explain a landform like stalagmite
Plate movement and formation of fold mountains
Formation of 2 igneous rocks
Effect of earthquakes
Explain any one landform development e.g waterfall from erosion
Human interaction with rock cycle e.g quarrying
Manufacturing in Ireland (2 regions)
Population distribution in non-Irish region
Impact of e.u on Ireland (not sure if we did that)
Development of urban area in Brazil
Historic settlement with evidence from map
Population distribution/density non Irish region
And elective-biome
1A Map question, 1B Karst landscape, unsure of 1C.
2A Picture provided with question on sea processes, 2B. Write about how 2 Igneous rocks were formed with Irish examples, 2C. Write about the impacts of an earthquake with example you have studied.
3A. Unsure, 3B. Write about process of mass movement, 3C. Write about the positive and negative impacts of an example of human interaction with the rock cycle.
1A. Unsure, 1B. Contrast 2 Irish regions primary heading, 1B. Unsure.
2. Unfortunatly I cant remember much about this question.
3A. Sketch map of Ireland mark in one region with Tourist attraction, national road, urban area and physical landscape, 3B. Write about how factors have developed tertiary activities in a sub-continental region you have studied, 3C. Explain how human factors have helped develop a region.
Spoiler: Short Q's: I cant remember them all but heres what i remember!
identify 4 features + are they erosion or deposition (river.)
ordance survey map + ariel photo.
Two on graphs you just answer from the graph.
Identify 4 different kind of rocks.
O1 (a) ordance survey map (draw sketch map)
(b) karast landscape.
(c) plate movement.
Q2. (a) coastal features (picture).
(b) formation of two igneous rocks.
(c) earthquakes.
Q3. (a) diagram of two plates colliding resulting in volcano (answer Q's on picture)
(b) landform of erosion.
(c) postive + negative impacts of one human interaction with the rock cycle
(a) graphy of unemployment