Gm 591 - Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Autor: andrew • July 13, 2012 • Term Paper • 1,335 Words (6 Pages) • 1,645 Views
Life Cycle Inventory
Date: 05/15/2011
DeVry University-Keller Graduate School of Management
GM 591: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Life Style Inventory
Human behavior is one of the most complicated issues, hundreds of thousands researches had been held to understand it. Human behavior is influence by culture, attitude, emotions, value, ethnic and other genetics factors. Most of the people knew that there is no perfection especially when talking about human behavior; also it's very difficult to measure or evaluate it. Many people may be able to describe their strengths, but they do not like to talk about their weaknesses. On the other hand, people who can objectively identify their strengths and weaknesses. But in the same time they found difficulties to recognize how they can enhance their strengths and how they can overcome their weaknesses. Therefore, Human Synergistic In. developed computer software called life style inventory, which will be referred as LSI. The LSI software helps users to assess their behavior, not only that, it work with them to improve strengths and reduce the effect of weaknesses. LSI is tremendously helpful software especially when you come to the working behavior, which requires interacting, dealing and working with people who are different from you. In the rest of this paper I will try articulate my life behavior base on LSI test. I found that my primary behavior is "competitive" and my backup is "approval".
First, I want acknowledge that LSI test somewhat touches my primary behavior which is "competitive". I believe being competitive thinking person helped me grew up rapidly in my career. Competitive thinking style encourage me to increase my knowledge, in order to compete with other who some time been my colleagues or coworkers. This type of thinking helps me to show the top management that I have ability and capability to perform multitasks concurrently. Which led my manager to give more responsibilities? But in the same time being competitive person engaged my in many conflicts. Nevertheless, I have not used this type of behavior style to harm, hurt or take credit of anyone else. I use it to encourage myself to do the best to attain my goals, but I always use the ethical ways. In my social life I do not value the competitive style that much. I want to mention some behaviors that related to competitive style. Egoistic, I do not have the egoistic behavior that has been described by LSI test provider. Anyhow, I should pay more attention to this trait, I will work to constrain and reduce it because it will not help be to move toward my goals. Moreover, competitive style has more negative effects than the positive ones. For example, it drives wedges between staff, destroy team