Human Resources
Autor: cats1234 • October 22, 2015 • Essay • 804 Words (4 Pages) • 839 Views
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The Role and Future of HR: The CEO’s Perspective
- CEOs believe that they don’t have enough power in decision making
- CEOs believe that HR makes contributions in strategic areas including talent management, succession planning, engagement, recruitment and retention
- **Important: expect HR managers to map out HR strategy in relation to business strategy
- HR managers often confidante of executives
- CEOs credit HR reps for helping attract talent to fuel growth
- CEOs credit HR reps for helping be transparent and clear when downsizing
- HR managers need to also understand challenges and business needs of front line managers
- In manufacturing, HR still viewed as the people who hire and fire, not as strategic business allies
- What the CEO expects from HR rep:
- Talent management and succession planning
- Creating the employment brand
- Four generations in the workplace
- Recruiting, building teams, dealing with change, motivating
- Employee communications
- Social media
- Trend analysis and forecasting
- Social trends
- Change management
How Companies can Attract the College Talent
- Large, well established companies find that they have trouble attracting young talent because they aren’t new and trendy
- Known as “brand problem”
- What millennials look for in employers (in order):
- People and cultural fit
- Career potential
- Work/life balance
- Compensation
- Challenging environment
- Company mission
- Innovation
- New graduate program
- Market leadership
- Target audience
- Alumni and friends
- How millennials hear about companies (in order)
- Friends
- Job board
- On campus
- Social media
- News
- Use their product
- Get your best people to engage with students
- Go where students are (online)
- Make the application process easy and engaging
- Prioritize meaning over swag
From Employment Brand to Talent Brand
- Due to social media, a company cant position a message and be done with it because its not a one way message
- Social media has created a marketplace of interaction between recruiters, employees, customers and prospects
- Brand is now decided by ^ people
- People ask each other for referrals about a company
- Need to relay culture of a company through videos, blogs, real-time updates
- Must create talent brand
The problem with using personality tests for hiring
- Most effective hiring selection practices (in order)
- Multi-measure tests (cognitive ability, personality, interests)
- Cognitive ability tests
- Integrity tests
- Reference checks
- Emotional intelligence tests
- Personality tests
- Job experience
- Can sometimes manipulate personality tests into making yourself seem a desirable way to your employer
- Sometimes peoples answers would be different over time
- Test must be predictive of future performance and possesses these attributes:
- Measures stable traits that wont change
- Are normative so you can compare against other people
- Have a candidness scale so you can tell how likely it is that they’re lying
- Have high reliability so it related to the job
Why job interviewers should focus on the candidates, not selling the organization
- Interviewers who were more focused on enticing the applicant made poorer hiring decisions
Why Google stopped asking bizarre, crazy-hard interview questions
- Hard questions don’t prove anything
- Now uses well structured, behavioural interviews that ask for situational questions and for stories about past experiences
- Looking for leaders
- Looking for humility and ownership
Should performance reviews be crowdsourced?
- Asking for 360 degree evaluation
- Unreliable because:
- People care more about the rewards associated with finishing the task than the actual content of the evaluation itself
- Can have legal repercussions if an employee sues the company or it can help if it backs up the firing of an employee
- Employees don’t have a clear understanding of their peers goals or duties thus it makes judging difficult
How to give good feedback
- Too many leaders still treat feedback as a once-a-year event rather than an ongoing discipline
- 5 ways to improve feedback:
- Feedback is not about forms
- Should be documented only to say that it happened, not exactly what was said
- Feedback delayed is feedback denied
- Must have FAST feedback - Frequent, accurate, specific, timely
- If you want feedback, ask for it
- Giving people a raise isn’t the same as giving them feedback
- Always get feedback on your feedback