Luxeron Auto
Autor: jon • August 9, 2012 • Research Paper • 2,168 Words (9 Pages) • 1,338 Views
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Appendix I
Julie Woolf
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For my team at Luxurion Auto to design the upcoming line, I need to form a cross functional task force because it brings together employees and can work different areas and can easily disband once the task is complete. My team will include employees from about or the same hierarchical level and all from different working areas. I plan to use the best employees varying expertise to accomplish the task by matching the best candidates to their key roles for the best results. I want to play to their strengths and have the team support their weaknesses. I intend to emphasize that we as a team have a common purpose to succeed. I want to ensure the team member that they can trust me as well as have trust in each other. I