Marketing Plan
Autor: Sinesta Nabors • January 31, 2017 • Research Paper • 1,662 Words (7 Pages) • 712 Views
Outline: New Product Marketing Plan Name(s)
Company: Coca-Cola !
Product: Coca-Cola Life (always be careful with the accuracy of Wikipedia, it is not proven to be a reliable source)
Coca-Cola Life is a lower-calorie version of Coca-Cola, using stevia and sugar as sweeteners. It has 27 kilocalories/100 mL, containing 60% of the calories of regular Coca-Cola.[1] It was created in Argentina and Chile after five years of research together in these countries.[2]
More Resources From Databases:
1. Executive Summary Daisy
a. Summarize the product idea, its target market, and the results you forecast (sales, gross margin, and profit contribution) in not more than two pages.
2. The Product (Good or Service) or Business Idea (4P's)Tony
a. Identify the mission and SMART objectives (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) of the business.
b. Briefly describe the product or service and its target market.
c. State your value proposition or a positioning statement that outlines the benefits your product, service, or business will provide to the target consumer in order to differentiate your offering from currently available ones.
3. Market Analysis (SWOT) Mariana
a. Indicate who constitutes your overall market and the segment you will initially target (defined according to one or more of the following kinds of factors: demographic, geographic, and/or behavioral variables).
b. For this market overall and for your target segment:
i. Indicate their size and current and anticipated growth rate (measured if possible, in units, dollars, and number of potential customers).
ii. Identify any unmet or poorly served needs that your new product or service will address.
iii. Identify relevant trends in any of the six macro trend categories that support or detract from the demand for your new product or service.