Marketing the Combo Machine
Autor: moto • August 14, 2012 • Research Paper • 3,715 Words (15 Pages) • 1,424 Views
This paper ties many of the components of what will eventually become the Marketing Strategy for the Combo Machine. It will include all of the tools necessary to launch the product nationwide, to include the Objective, Mission Statement, Target Market, Competition, Product/Service Features, Core Strategy, and Marketing Mix: Communications & Promotion as well as the Pricing Strategy.
Strategic Marketing Plan:
The Combo Machine
As we approach the final days prior to marketing the Combo Machine it is imperative to address all facets of our marketing scheme and ensure that this launch will be successful. The idea is to launch a campaign that will entice the consumer to want to know more about the product, enough so, that their tempted to run right out and purchase their very own Combo Machine.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Combo Machine is to be the world's best multi-functioning washer/dryer combo system. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every home smile. "I want to take the work out of doing the laundry, so that consumers have time for the things in life that really matter".
The Marketing Objectives with the launching the Combo Machine are relatively standard as with the launching of most new products. Starting off fairly simple, the Combo Machine will be marketed to approximately a quarter of the United States consumer base. It is estimated that product sales will come in at fifty percent for the first three months and gradually slow down for the remaining nine months of the first year, bringing in sales ranging from twenty-five to forty percent. The idea is to launch a full blast campaign, to include print ads, web ads and infomercials; thus enticing consumers from all facets of life from stay-at-home Moms to College Students. This product will be wanted in all types of homes across America, and we will be sure to deliver!
Customer Targets
The Census Bureau conducts many censuses and surveys. The most well-known is the official population census of the United States, called the decennial census. It is conducted every ten years, most recently in April 2000. During each decennial census, the Census Bureau collects data from every household in the U.S. and its territories.
Besides the decennial census, the Census Bureau conducts nearly one hundred other surveys and censuses every year. By law, no one is permitted to reveal information from these censuses and surveys that could identify any person, household, or business. Individual records from each decennial census are