Mgt/312: Working in Groups and Teams
Autor: Joseph Kisella • October 20, 2015 • Research Paper • 1,077 Words (5 Pages) • 1,646 Views
Working in Groups and Teams
Lisa Kisella
October 5, 2015
Tina Emrich
Working in Groups and Teams
Working in teams can always be tough and it seems to be a little harder when most of the communication is electronic. Having an understanding of what needs to be done is crucial so that everyone knows what the common goal is. Making sure everyone is on the same path and understands what is expected of them is crucial. The end result should come together and look like the project was completed by one person.
Self-Assessment Results
The results of the assessment are accurate based on the way my team is functioning in our current class. The highest score was knowledge, skills and abilities and I think that is definitely where our strong points are. We all know where are strengths are and choose tasks that best suit our skills. Expecting quality was number two on the list and I definitely feel that this is a priority for everyone. Personally there is no purpose to do something if you don’t plan to put your all into and make it the best work possible. As a team you need to be able to cover all of the bases and answer all the questions fully and providing as much detail as possible so that everyone understands the information you are trying to present.
Coming in a close third was contributing to team work. When it comes to doing my part I think it is important that my team doesn’t see me as “dead weight” so to speak. I always want to contribute and help my team succeed and I am very driven to do well. While the scores weren’t severely low our lowest points came on keeping the team on track and interacting with team mates. When it comes to keeping the team on track right now I just haven’t had the time to be as involved in this as I feel I should be. Personally, I have a lot going on with work and have been pre-occupied with that to keep up with the team as much as I feel I should. This has also affected our communication as well. With the number of hours I have been putting in at work it has hampered my ability to respond to decision making ideas in a timely manner but I also understand that they can’t wait forever. I like being involved and while school is important my job is what is paying the bills and makes it possible for me to continue my education.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Overall I think we are working well as a team and we definitely have our strengths and weaknesses and we use those to help each other and keep moving forward. I feel that my biggest strengths are the facts that I have knowledge and skills when it comes to leading a guiding people. I also expect things to be done and done well. To me there is no reason to turn in an assignment that was thrown together at the last minute and does not flow correctly. I also feel that one of the most important parts of being a team is doing your fair share. Each week there should be someone who takes every team members piece of the assignment and puts it together making it look seamless and flow correctly.